How are jurors selected?
Names are randomly selected from the list of names supplied by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
Who can participate in Jury Duty in Charlotte County?
Qualified jurors must be 18 years old, resident of Florida and Charlotte County and possess a valid driver’s license or
identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. A passport is also an acceptable form of identification.
I would like to be eligible to serve as a juror, but I don’t have a Florida driver’s license.
Complete the affidavit of eligibility to serve as a juror form to qualify for selection as a juror. Affidavit of Eligibility to serve as a Juror
How many days will I have to serve during the week I am summoned?
Your term of service is for one week beginning on Monday and ending on Friday.
This means if you are not selected as juror but did report, your service is complete.
If you are selected as juror, you will serve until the trial is complete.
Note: Being on “standby” is not considered as having “served” on jury duty.
This means if you are not selected as juror but did report, your service is complete.
If you are selected as juror, you will serve until the trial is complete.
Note: Being on “standby” is not considered as having “served” on jury duty.
What do I need to bring with me?
You will need to bring a valid Florida driver’s license or identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. You will also need to bring your summons or QR code on your phone.
Bring a sweater or jacket as the Justice Center courtrooms can be cool.
Bring a sweater or jacket as the Justice Center courtrooms can be cool.
Can I bring food?
Per Court Security and Access Control Policy and Procedures section 2 (A) (viii) Jurors, with approved summons or juror badges, will be permitted to bring food and beverages through the security checkpoint, also subject to inspection.
Vending machines are available.
Vending machines are available.
Can I bring my cell phone, computer or tablet?
Yes you may however, please be advised that the following is prohibited per Judicial Administrative Rule 2.451
- Making or transmitting still or moving photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, or images of any kind of the court proceedings
- Transmitting or accessing text or data during the court proceedings
- Transmitting or accessing text or data about the case on which the juror is serving
- Researching, transmitting, or accessing information about the case on which the juror is serving
- Otherwise communicating about the case on which the juror is serving or
- Otherwise communicating about the jury deliberations
Where do I park?
There are multiple free parking spaces available at the front entrance (west side) of the Justice Center to park.
What items can’t be brought into the Justice Center?
Here is a list of Prohibited Items:
Firearms and Ammunition
Edged Weapons and Sharp Objects
Impact Weapons
Explosives, Flammable Materials, Chemicals
Other Items
Firearms and Ammunition
- Firearms and / or parts of firearms
- Ammunition / magazines / gun powder
- Flare guns and/or flares
- Gun lighters
- Realistic replicas of guns and toy guns
- Other items capable of firing / launching a projectile capable of causing serious bodily injury or death
Edged Weapons and Sharp Objects
- Knives / swords / any edged weapon
- Pocket knives / shanks
- Razors and Box cutters
- Bows / arrows
- Other edged weapons/sharp objects capable of causing serious bodily injury or death
Impact Weapons
- Bats / clubs / pool cues
- Fighting knuckles composed of any material
- Martial arts weapons including nun-chucks and throwing stars
- Night sticks / batons / expandable batons / whips
- Tools including but not limited to axes / hatchets
- Other items capable of causing serious bodily injury or death when used as an impact weapon
Explosives, Flammable Materials, Chemicals
- Blasting caps
- Dynamite, plastic explosives or any other explosive compound or material
- Improvised explosive devices (IED)
- Improvised explosive device components
- Fireworks, Flares
- Hand grenades
- Replicas or simulated explosive devices and materials
- Gasoline and other fuels
- Flammable liquids and/or gels
- Hazardous materials (HAZMAT)
Other Items
- All liquids
- Tear gas and self-defense sprays including CN, CS, OC
- Stun guns / tasers / electronic defense devices
- Narcotics/illicit drugs/drug paraphernalia
- Handcuffs and handcuff keys
If you have misplaced your summons or QR code
You may provide your driver’s license to the jury clerk and she will manually check you in. You may also contact our office at 941-833-3054 or jury@charlotteclerk.com to confirm your week of service.
Does the courthouse offer vending machines?
We have a vending machine in our jury assembly room where you can purchase snacks, healthy food options or drinks before going up to the courtroom otherwise the courthouse offers a vending machine on the 1st floor.
Where can I get coffee?
As a juror if show your summons to the security guards upon entering the Justice Center they will allow you to bring in your coffee or water. As a government entity we are unable to provide coffee.
There is also a variety of local coffee shops within one mile of the Justice Center.
There is also a variety of local coffee shops within one mile of the Justice Center.
What time does the Justice Center doors open?
At the Justice Center the doors open at 8:00 am.
Will I be paid for my services?
If your regular employment pays your regular wage while serving as a juror, you will not be entitled to compensation from the State for the first three (3) days of service.
If you do not have regular employment or if you will not receive your regular wage, then you will be entitled to receive $15 per day for the first three (3) days.
If you serve more than three (3) days, employed or unemployed, the State will pay you $30 per day from the fourth (4th) day and each day thereafter
Juror payments will not jeopardize your unemployment benefits if you receive compensation for services as a juror.
Juror cash payments is an available option that is offered each day. When a juror is on a trial lasting more than one day, a cash payment can be picked up at the Clerk’s Court Records area on the first floor. Jurors can do this each day or wait until the end of the week on Friday. If a juror wishes to wait until the end of the week on Friday, this must be done at 4:00 p.m.
Florida Statute 40.24(8) allows jurors to irrevocably donate ALL of their compensation to a domestic violence shelter. In Charlotte County all proceeds are donated to the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.). Once the election to donate is made, each additional day that a juror serves will be automatically donated.
If you do not have regular employment or if you will not receive your regular wage, then you will be entitled to receive $15 per day for the first three (3) days.
If you serve more than three (3) days, employed or unemployed, the State will pay you $30 per day from the fourth (4th) day and each day thereafter
Juror payments will not jeopardize your unemployment benefits if you receive compensation for services as a juror.
Juror cash payments is an available option that is offered each day. When a juror is on a trial lasting more than one day, a cash payment can be picked up at the Clerk’s Court Records area on the first floor. Jurors can do this each day or wait until the end of the week on Friday. If a juror wishes to wait until the end of the week on Friday, this must be done at 4:00 p.m.
Florida Statute 40.24(8) allows jurors to irrevocably donate ALL of their compensation to a domestic violence shelter. In Charlotte County all proceeds are donated to the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.). Once the election to donate is made, each additional day that a juror serves will be automatically donated.
Does my employer have to pay me while I am serving as a juror?
No. Florida state law does not require employers to compensate
their employees while they are serving on jury duty.
Can my employer prevent me from serving or can I be terminated from my job for having jury service?
No. Florida law prohibits any employer from preventing a person from serving as a juror or firing an employee who is serving on jury duty.
What if I fail to report to Jury Duty?
If you are summoned to report and you fail to attend without being properly excused, you can be fined up to $100 as well as be held in contempt of court.
I am unable to judge anyone because of my moral or religious beliefs. May I be excused from jury service?
Florida law does not provide for an excuse from jury service for moral or religious beliefs. You are still required to appear
for jury service. Only the Court has that discretion. You may address these concerns when you are before the Judge.
I have been called for jury service several times. I know many people who have never been called. Why don't you pick some other people?
The Florida Statutes requires the selection to be random and all names are placed back on the list every year.
Jurors are selected from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle file; which includes both licensed Florida drivers
and those who have a Florida identification card. Jurors who have served within one year from their last service date
may be excused.
What are the dress code restrictions?
The following items are restricted:
- No Tank Tops
- No Uniforms
- No Shorts
Do you have a Fragrance Policy?
In consideration of individuals who suffer from medical conditions aggravated by odor, fumes, and other respiratory irritants, jurors are requested not to wear strong fragrances. This includes personal products such as perfumes, after-shave, lotions, deodorants and hair spray. Thank you.